Wednesday, August 30, 2006


My house smells good today... there is a cake in the oven... and the aroma of chocolate has spread thru the downstairs. HS son is another year older... wow ! When we returned to the hillcountry in August... I noticed that he was now a hair taller than my 6'3" DH... At 17 he has a big booming voice... but often slips and still calls me mommy... he is driving the car some... but still plays basketball with whomever comes into our yard, regardless of their age.... going to the movie theatre is still his most favorite treat...he's playing golf with his Dad on the weekends... no girls yet... he's still a little shy.... but I know that could change...any minute !! Happy Birthday HS son !
Now I better go get that cake out of the oven before a different aroma fills the house.... and by the way... where is the #*!@ box of kleenex ????


laura capello said...

No girls yet? How's that possible!

Happy Birthday!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

My daughter is drooling!!

Jana said...

Your son is sooooo handsome! I hope he had a wonderful birthday.

Susan Schwake said...

awh diana, he is lovely and i am sure my Grace would love to snap him up in a seocnd...happy cake day!
(nice to talk with you too this week...)