Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lobstah !

When southern friends come to visit New England.... they love to eat lobster. This southern girl is clueless as to how cooking and lobster go together...remember the Woody Allen movie Annie Hall ?

So... with a little help from my New England neighbor Cindy... we made it happen.
Here are some shots

CollegePrincess: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
HS Princess: Enjoyed the process.
TeenSon:Ate all of his and then his sisters'
Visiting Friends : Loved it !
DH: Wish I was there !
Moi: Grateful for fun, friends and lobstah !
Thank you Cindy for making a special night for my visitors !!


laura capello said...

I've heard lobster boils are fun.

What's with the big copywriting speech? Did someone try to steal something?

Anonymous said...

I'm tasting that wonderful dinner from here...CA lobster doesn't compare to Maine lobster at all...a gift from the sea...