Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Chandy In The Shed

What does a girl do when she has an extra chandy ?

She tries to find a home for it...

So my shabby chandy now hangs in my garden shed.

I think the electrician thought I was a little looney...

but ..... I love it !!


laura capello said...

I have no clue what a chandy is, but that does look like a lovely gardening shed!

Anonymous said...

i looove it! how clever! :)

Anonymous said...

Just love your little home away from home...and the lighting...so very special...

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Can I come live in this delightful little spot? And what does Chandy mean?

Jana said...

Oh wow, I love this little shed! If I had a getaway like this, my hubby and kids would never see me because I'd always be there. I'd love to see pics of the inside someday *hint hint*!!!