Monday, May 08, 2006

Hydrangeas make me happy ....

Happiness keeps you sweet,

Sorrows keep you human,

Failures keep you humble,

Success keeps you glowing,

But only God keeps you going.

Hydrangeas from my 2005 summer garden... I can't wait for them to bloom again !

What makes you happy ?


Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

mostly everything makes me happy, it is the few things that don't that I need to work on...

laura capello said...

children that get along.

that makes me REALLY happy.

Jana said...

Oh wow, those are beautiful!!! I have a blue one planted in my front bed and can't wait for it to bloom this summer. I LOVE these flowers too.

teacherarbc said...

hi diana,
such a beautiful post
thanks so much for your all of your kind comments on my site...i love your site as well!!!
take care,