Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Once Upon a Time..

I believe in fairy tales . Once upon a time 20 some years ago...

Back then, Laverne and I were young teachers who loved to go dancing on Friday nights. We had it down to an art; always arriving early in order to get half priced drinks and chairs close to the dance floor . We had a rhythm .. one would dance and the other would hold court in our prized chairs .... and then we would switch. And so it went Friday after Friday after Friday until one August evening .

It was my turn to hold court in our prized chairs and I had allready turned down a certain cowboy several times...Finally in desparation the certain cowboy demanded "Why wont you dance with me ?"

Seriously frustrated, I raised my finger non chalantly into the air and pointed without looking where I was pointing... "Because I promised that guy I would dance with him."

Mission accomplished cowboy disappeared.

Minutes later ...as if I had waved a magic wand when I pointed my finger blindly into mid-air... a tap on my shoulder....

and I turned in my prized chair to see a tall blond handsome guy smiling down at me with a twinkle in his eye.

" I think you promised me this dance " he said.

...and so I danced...

.and the rest is truly a miracle. I met my tall blond handsome husband on that August night. Once upon a time...20 some years ago.

Do you believe in fairy tales ? I do !


Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Ooo!! this story tickles the heart!!

Anonymous said...

i do now! believe in fairtales that is! :)

Anonymous said...

i do now! believe in fairtales that is! :)

Anonymous said...

I do believe now...your prince found you that night so long ago....hee, hee