Thursday, May 04, 2006


ONCE UPON A TIME...on a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l hill country day in April 2006

DHubby : " For you my bride ".

HS Son: " Cool ".

College Princess: " Oh my god... oh my god... it's awesome... i LOVE it ! "

HS Princess : " Oh gawwwwd.... can you be any more OBVIOUS ? Do NOT pick me up from school in that !"

Bride : I kissed my hubby, put that top down , picked up my friend Pattie, and off we went ! I couldn't have been more OBVIOUS with my glee AND my joy, on that April day. It was both awesome... and cool !
Gracias mi hermano !


teacherarbc said...

very cool car...congrats!

laura capello said...


Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Holy Gucamoley!! Wow!!

Anonymous said...

thinkin we would look so fab in that cruisin' around SA! or up along the NE coast!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your car...