Friday, May 02, 2008


During the past few weeks I have visited so many beautiful garden posts from fellow bloggers, Joni at Cote de Texas, Brin at My Messy,Thrilling Life, FiFi at Chez Fifi, Cindy at My Romantic Home,Nancy at Shab-n-Chic... and I am GREEN with envy... because my thumb is brown and is coupled with the disadvantage of deer and hot hill country weather.

BUT we are trying to change the brown thumb trend this year!

So armed with the garden expertise of my MOM and the muscle of my DH and HS SON.... here are a few not so good pictures of the outside garden fun we have had in the past few week-ends.


                            Brand new Belinda's Dream roses along the wall

                                    Birdhouse... no green thumb required

Bouganvillas... They grow like weeds at Nancys... but I will have to baby these

                                  Front porch.. no flowers due to deer

                                             Ladies on the front porch

                                  Geraniums from High School fundraiser

                                           Hibiscus in the big pots

                       Lavender... supposedly grows well in the hill country

      Secret garden....aka sideyard.... but secret garden sounds more artistic

  But if the gardening efforts fail...we can always sit back and enjoy the view !!

These are the garden BEFORE pictures.... can't wait to post AFTER.... keep your fingers crossed !


laura capello said...

the roses are gonna look so great there!

Brin said...

I think I have "Secret Garden" envy. WOW! :D

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are on the right track. Can't wait to see the "after" photos!
Remember, we amateur gardeners only show the "good" photos but we have plenty of failures too....
Go grow!

Cindy said...

Your garden looks beautiful! You have some really nice planters and those ferns around your bird feeder make me envious!

cotedetexas said...

so pretty - nice view - where do you live????? I wish I had a view so sos so badly.


diana said...

Thank you all for your garden cheers for me...
Laura, I cant wait to see if those pretty pink roses bloom and start to climb the wall. Fifi, I will always feel like an amateur at gardening... but I am determined to make something grow this year ! Brin,it is an amazing fact that when you give an area a name, it looks so much more attractive ! Cindy,believe it or not, I inheirited those big pots when I bought this home a little over a year ago. Joni, I love a view too..I looked at houses in our neighborhood for 16 years before I found this house with a view and we love it !

Joanne Kennedy said...

Hi, This is my first visit to your blog but I'm going to mark you down as a favorite so I can follow along on your journey.

Funny how a name can make a place more special.

I have a bathroom that has a door to the side of the house. The door is a big window too. It looks ugly outside right now and I decided to have a "Secret Garden" out there too. I have not been able to start on it yet but I will be soon. God willing.


Anonymous said...

Joanne hah! I love it... see how much better that icky ole space looks already ???? My secret garden was so thick with big thick ugly hedges that it truly was secret ! Now the bushes are gone ( took awhile) !... and the beautification begins !

Shab-n-Chic said...

I love your secret garden and what a view in the last photo! You have a beautiful place and I wish you the best of luck with your garden! I'll ask my husband if he has any tips for the boogie plant. I've never seen one in a pot so maybe if you plant it it will take off. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog look and loooooooove the pics. Your garden is divine AS IS!! Can't wait to see those roses in full bloom too. Wow, now I am green with envy.

Anonymous said...

Love your view and those pots.

Amy said...

brown thumb? green thumb? no matter with a view like that! wowsa! Loving the posts lately girl!!!! and good luck with the planting.;) xo

Unknown said...

It looks to me like you're off to a great start! And I LOVE the view!