Monday, May 05, 2008

Thelma and Louis...part2

Awhile back I posted about my friend "Laverne" here. Well fast forward from then to now ... and a few bought and sold houses... and next thing ya know.... we are next door neighbors (week-ends)... in little 1930 cottages side by side in the hill country.

Here is Laverne's casa. She had a head start... so her house is in GREAT shape.
Don't you love her bright blue shutters ?

A view of my house from her yard.... well as you know... a total work in progress
( and I am loving the process)

Yesterday in her barn we found an old old cabinet original to her house that we are going
to use as an island in MY kitchen. Thanks LAV!

Can you see it that beautiful old chippy beadboard cabinet in my vintage kitchen with
shiny gleaming floors and beautiful white cottage cabinets ? ??? .
.... stay tuned !!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes I can. I can totally see it all. Loooourve the new island. Keep it chippy too.

Anonymous said...

yes !!!definitely chippy... we are going to brush off the loose flakes of paint and then min wax it.

Anonymous said...

What a joy to have a good friend so close to you...

Amy said...

oh how perfect!

Cami said...

Oh, I can sooooo see it! Fab island. Love repurposing. I have a project using an old cabinet I'm about to post. It will make you laugh---I promise!

Shab-n-Chic said...

Love that old cabinet! Can't wait to see the finished kitchen.