Tuesday, December 12, 2006

When you cant go to french flea markets...

"I can't believe you are painting something five days before you move" said my neighbor.

Yup, right before the move, DH and I were in the garage painting a hutch I had just bought from Craig's list .

"Dont you have other things you need to do ? " they asked.

Sure I did... but come on there are priorities here...and I had my straight...a girl has got to have a place to showcase her blue and white flea market finds....

So for $100.00 , a can of leftover paint, and new $4.00 knobs from Home Depot.... voila I had a cabinet to hold all my dishes.

I. heart. Craigs. List !


laura capello said...

holy smokes, you got that for $100?!


Deb said...

Gorgeous hutch - I collect blue willow dishes as well - great finds!

Anonymous said...

I love that! I see your cake plates up on top...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Sensational Find! Love every bit of that cabinet and what's displayed in it~ and a steal of a deal too!

Jana said...

Beautiful!!! Ok....silly question time.....what is Craig's list??

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful and I love the look of your blue and white displayed inside. Wow, I'm off to go look at Craigslist!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! It looks great.

Your dishes are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great buy.
I have used Craig's List a few times and so have other family members.

Anonymous said...

This is just super. I need to start checking out Craig's List.

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

I heart you and your blue china!!