Monday, December 11, 2006


Yesterday during my beautiful but chilly walk on the beach I thought about a post about ripples.

Tis so true our words send ripples out into the blogosphere. So today I am sending warm fuzzy ripples to my bloggy friends as we proceed into the holidays... now slow down girls so that you can feel a ripple or two !! Thank you to Annie for your comment and the ripple.


Anonymous said...

Oh Diana, how sweet. I'm feeling the warm fuzzy ripples all the way across the country. Thank you so much for the tribute. Annie

laura capello said...

you are making me wish i wasn't land locked. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana, Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I have a thing for cake plates too so I would love it if you did a post about yours. I'm going to bookmark your blog and come back often. I'm a California girl but I LOVE New England!