Saturday, September 09, 2006


I have been obsessing about my boyfriend lately..

It started the other day when my girlfriend Linda called me and asked me if the DH on my blog stood for Dumb Husband....

and I just started laughing...

then I said " no Linda... that would be DA"...and when we both stopped giggling.....

I told her that DH was blogese for Darling Hubby..... later that day I posted something on Andreas blog about our "boyfriends that we married years ago "...after that entry it came to me that during the next few years as my babies prepare to leave the nest and go off to college...maybe I just need to fill my time and thoughts with going on dates with my "boyfriend".... just like I did 20 years ago..

I wonder if he will still like me ?????

Picture: My boyfriend (DH)... 20 something years ago...


Anonymous said...

I bet he's still pretty sweet on you. ;)

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

certainly he does, ask him out, go your prettiest top, and high heels too...and then tell us everthing, lets be girlfriends, I am waiting for your call!!
Enjoy the night!

paris parfait said...

So cute - adorable picture and yes, you should start "dating" again and gossip with your girlfriends. :)

paris parfait said...

So cute - adorable picture and yes, you should start "dating" again and gossip with your girlfriends. :)

Anonymous said...

Dating your own hubby can really be something. I've tried it, after more than 25 years of marriage, and will not tell here what it can lead to :-)

Anonymous said...

That is the best idea you have ever had the last few weeks! you go, girl. It will be so fun! kick up your heals like you did before kids. we highly recommend it over here!

Cookie said...

I have just discovered your blog and enjoying catching up. Your gorgeous son looks just like his gorgeous father !!! You are one lucky girl. Go ahead and start will enjoy it.

Jana said...

The hubby and I have recently discovered the joy of lunch dates again and they're just wonderful! Have fun you two!!!

Susan Schwake said...

i think planning dates is the best idea ever.. when you pop back to maine, please give me a ring!