Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Christmas Closet

Our hill country town has been shut down for THREE days now due to a LIGHT dusting of snow and ice.... which I am sure those of you from the north of us find hilarious.

By day 3 I was stir crazy, the newness of the situation had worn out. So when my friend Pattie called yesterday... I practically begged her to let me come over and help her clean out her closet. Pattie is one of those fun people who makes ya feel so good about yourself.... and she thinks I am soooo organized, so I happily headed over to her house yesterday determined to organize. Within an hour and a half we made major closet progress... enough to fill my car with a huge load for goodwill.

So Pattie thinks I am just the best most helpful, most organized friend ......

But what Pattie does NOT know is that this is what MY Christmas Closet looks like

So really I am a big fake... a person who lived in denial yesterday..... oh well.. maybe when the kids go back to school I can turn my attention to the Christmas closet and once again be organized.


laura capello said...

what is that? a rug? in your closet?

and i've been hearing it's a full-blown storm.

Cindy said...

That closet doesn't even look bad, what are you talking about??? Can you come over and clean mine?

I hope you don't mind but I tagged you on my blog. You don't have to participant if you don't want to.

Annie Jeffries said...

I'm falling on the floor laughing. Looks like you need HER in your closet to take care of business too. Oh. NO! Can't do that. It would blow your secret. LOL

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

LOL!! I am glad you are coming out of the closet with this news!!