Thursday, July 13, 2006

Perfect Party

Going through my pictures today I found this one which reminded me....

Last year The Girls on the Block (well one in particular.. tee hee) asked me if I would have the 2006 New Years Party at our house. I thought: HOW FUN... we were going to be gone for the 2 weeks but, due to fly in on the afternoon of New Years Eve.... a little tight on scheduling... but that is how I tend to live my life.

This was the easiest party that I ever did give, all I had to do was provide the house... everyone else was bringing the food. So I set everything up before we left...easy . The friend (feeling like she owed that hah !) picked us up at the airport, we came home, did a few loads of laundry... and 3 hours later... The Girls on the Block showed up with all of the food and drink. Easiest party evah... we had a blast and DH even made it to midnight !

Picture: my kitchen dining all ready for 2006 !

PS: I get to have lunch with THAT friend this Friday ... havent seen her for a month. We have lots to catch up on and lunch will be on me because now I owe her...hah!


laura capello said...

Oh, love the kitchen! Especially those huge windows.

I received a lovely box in the mail today... thank you so much!

teacherarbc said...

Beatiful table setting, Diana! Thanks for stopping by to visit me at The Suburban Apron always leave such sweet and kind comments!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

I am with Andrea and I am coming over too!

Susan Schwake said...

ok me too, then we can REALLY party! what can i bring? ...