Monday, October 23, 2006

Crime and Punishment

Every Mom has been there.... the one final sibling tiff that sends her over the edge. For me... it was last night around 11 PM... 2 HS kids fighting.... I let DH handle it last night.... but that did not stop me from I mean thinking about it.... until 3 AM... and by 7:30... I had my speech ready. What did I say ?

Well this morning I told my 2 HS kids that I was on strike and that I was not going to be there to pick them up from school.... they would have to walk home( it is less than 2 miles)... my daughter looked as if I had told her I was going to take away her straightening iron for the rest of the school year.

So did it work ? Well 45 minutes after school dismissal, Fred and Ethel ( as we affectionately call the 2 darlings ) came thru the door just laughing and chatting as if they had been to a party. " Oh Mom we had so much fun walking home...we want to do it all week... and you wouldnt believe how many people we saw and talked to on the way home"

hmmmmmmmmm I guess my punishment worked... they spent 45 minutes together... not fighting....

picture: the view from my car everyday at HS pickup


laura capello said...

she looked as though you were going to take away her straightening iron for the rest of the year? wow. harsh.

they enjoyed it? see, that would have made me mad. i would have wanted them to grovel at my feet.

Jana said...

The straightening iron comment made me chuckle. Sorry this happened but it's probably very very normal I'm afraid. Hopefully by tomorrow it'll be over and forgotten about. I'm glad you're blogging again and thanks for the support this morning!

Anonymous said...

What is it about this thing called raising kids? Since we only have one HS in the house at the moment, I have to work at remembering all the loud fighting that once went on in our home....and yes... they still talk to each other today...hugs

Anonymous said...

so glad to see a post from you! sorry it had to be about sibling rivalry. we have a bit of that around here too...unfortunately mine are still in preschool/ kinder and i have years to look forward to. love your revenge...:)

Anonymous said...

Well I use to walk a mile IN THE SNOW up hills WITH NO SHOES everyday to school:) ahhh kids these days they understand how much fun we had when we were kids when you force them to:) cute post!
